The feast (excluding desserts)!
Robyn and Ash
All of the Jones girls!
Neither of these two people are me, but don't worry even I get confused sometimes.
My love...
The engaged ones.
After the feasting, there was a significant period of time for family-picture-taking (of which I don't have any yet), and after a while we did the traditional "thankfulness exercise" where everyone says something they are thankful for about each other person. As you can imagine, with 2 whole families (16 people), this would take quite a while so we said that not everyone had to contribute for every single person. However, it still lasted around 3 hours. At some point during the evening, the girlies browsed all of the ads for the next day, and then we went to bed around 11.
3:00 a.m. Buzz Buzz Buzz - click - ugh kill me now... Rise and shine! Time to go shopping! I really wish I had pictures of the next few hours of our morning, but you can probably understand why I wasn't thinking about that. We (all of the girls in the pics above plus a couple more) started off at ampm for coffee of course. *P.S. Starbucks, you really need to get on that day opening a bit earlier - you would make serious bank.* Then first to Target, dashed to Kohls, headed over to Walmart, then to breakfast at McDonalds, a quick trip to Old Navy, and then home to sleeeeepppp... Besides getting sick (my body is pretty sensitive to non-sleeping), it was a pretty awesome experience. There is just something rather amusing about seeing grown adults climb, crawl, brawl, push, shove, and yell.
I would consider it a pretty productive shopping experience - I got alot of not 8 sweaters from Target (don't worry I returned some), cheap movies, some Christmas presents, seasons 4 and 5 of House (yay!), and a cheap 8 GB memory card for my NEW CAMERA! I decided not to get a dslr yet. I am going to save during this next year, enjoy my new point-and-shoot that I got super cheap from Target on Thanksgiving, and practice with its manual settings to learn how to actually use it well. It is a Canon SX120IS and I really like what I have seen from it so far. I used it to take pictures of our Christmas decor, which I will try to post soon. Well, that is pretty much the highlight of my week so far. I ordered our Christmas cards (from Shutterfly) and they should be coming soon so I can't wait to see those!
What did you do for your Thanksgiving?