
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

our lovely day of thanks...

This year for Thanksgiving, my husband and my families united for a joyful day of thankfulness and celebration. I spent most of the morning cooking my food contributions while he woke up at the crack of dawn to play football. In the afternoon, everyone united to let the fun and food begin! Here are a couple of my favorite pics. I am still waiting on receiving the rest...

The feast (excluding desserts)!

Robyn and Ash

All of the Jones girls!

Neither of these two people are me, but don't worry even I get confused sometimes.

My love...

The engaged ones.

After the feasting, there was a significant period of time for family-picture-taking (of which I don't have any yet), and after a while we did the traditional "thankfulness exercise" where everyone says something they are thankful for about each other person. As you can imagine, with 2 whole families (16 people), this would take quite a while so we said that not everyone had to contribute for every single person. However, it still lasted around 3 hours. At some point during the evening, the girlies browsed all of the ads for the next day, and then we went to bed around 11.

3:00 a.m. Buzz Buzz Buzz - click - ugh kill me now... Rise and shine! Time to go shopping! I really wish I had pictures of the next few hours of our morning, but you can probably understand why I wasn't thinking about that. We (all of the girls in the pics above plus a couple more) started off at ampm for coffee of course. *P.S. Starbucks, you really need to get on that day opening a bit earlier - you would make serious bank.* Then first to Target, dashed to Kohls, headed over to Walmart, then to breakfast at McDonalds, a quick trip to Old Navy, and then home to sleeeeepppp... Besides getting sick (my body is pretty sensitive to non-sleeping), it was a pretty awesome experience. There is just something rather amusing about seeing grown adults climb, crawl, brawl, push, shove, and yell.

I would consider it a pretty productive shopping experience - I got alot of not 8 sweaters from Target (don't worry I returned some), cheap movies, some Christmas presents, seasons 4 and 5 of House (yay!), and a cheap 8 GB memory card for my NEW CAMERA! I decided not to get a dslr yet. I am going to save during this next year, enjoy my new point-and-shoot that I got super cheap from Target on Thanksgiving, and practice with its manual settings to learn how to actually use it well. It is a Canon SX120IS and I really like what I have seen from it so far. I used it to take pictures of our Christmas decor, which I will try to post soon. Well, that is pretty much the highlight of my week so far. I ordered our Christmas cards (from Shutterfly) and they should be coming soon so I can't wait to see those!

What did you do for your Thanksgiving?